Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer in Men  

Can men get breast cancer?

Yes. Although breast cancer can occur in men, the incidence rate (i.e., the annual number of new cases) of breast cancer in men is low.

In 2004, about 40,580 people (40,110 women and 470 men) will die from breast cancer in the United States. Breast cancer accounts for about 0.22% (two-tenths of a percent) of cancer deaths among men.

Questions Related to Breast Cancer in Men
How can men get breast cancer when they don't have breasts?
What puts a man at risk for breast cancer?
What are the signs of male breast cancer?
Is treatment for breast cancer in men the same as for women?
What types of breast cancer do men suffer from most commonly?
Why is breast cancer not as common in men as it is in women?
Are men with breast cancer more likely to die of their disease than are women with breast cancer?
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