Breast Cancer
Detoxification During Treatment  

How does detoxification help a woman undergoing breast cancer treatments?

Breast cancer patients who opt to do a mild detoxification (detox) while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapies enjoy a number of benefits, including less fatigue, less convoluted thinking, and fewer side effects from their cancer therapies. Most importantly, a mild detox lets patients feel that they have some control over their well-being.

Detoxing is more than just resting and recharging your body. Detoxing also is about claming your mind and taking a break from life’s relentless intrusions. So, it is very important that, if you are planning a detox, that you also plan to allow yourself plenty of space. Treat the experience like a vacation you are taking by yourself — take a break from external pressures, and focus entirely on you—just you!

Remember, however, that it is extremely important not to begin a detox until you have discussed the idea thoroughly with your team of mainstream doctors. There are certain times during treatments or drug therapy when a detox may not be appropriate and could even be counter-productive. As with any adjunct treatments or dietary changes, work with a nutritional physician, and coordinate with your oncologist.

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